To these days, University name of Amen is still recited at University end of prayers. Even University renowned Christian Lord’s Prayeras given in University Gospel of Matthewwas transposed from an Egyptian usual which began:’Amen, Amen, who art in heaven . ‘As for University famous Ten Commandments,said exam have been conveyed exam Moses by God upon University mountain,these too are of Egyptian origin,deriving directly from Spell Number 125 in University Egyptian Book of University Dead. They weren’t new codes of conduct invented for University Israelites,but were simply newly stated models of University ritual confessions of University pharaohs. For example, University confession’I have not killed’was transposed exam University decreeThou shalt not kill;’I haven’t stolen’ became Thou shalt not steal;’I have not told lies’ became Thou shalt not bear false witness and so on. Not only were University Ten Commandments drawn from Egyptian ritual,but so too were University Psalms,that are attributed toKing David, remodeled from Egyptian hymns.